
CDSSS organizes annually, since 2003, an international scientific conference and an international seminar, as well as workshops, roundtables and public lectures on defence and security topics.

The broadest activity of CDSSS reuniting communications of researchers, university staff, experts, master and PhD students was scientific communications session with international participation, until 2011, when it turned into International Scientific Conference Strategies XXI with the theme The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment.

The International Seminar approaches current topics of wide interest, gathering each time experts and personalities from Romania and abroad. Between 2015-2018, this scientific event was organised under the name of International Symposium.

We invite all those interested in disseminating the results of their scientific research, as well as sponsors, to the conference and other scientific events, which will take place this year.


  • 11 December - Scientific Seminar: The impact of climate change on national security (III).
  • 16 May - International Scientific Seminar: Lessons identified in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.
  • 28 February - International Scientific Conference Strategies XXI: The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment.


  • 26 October - Workshop: The impact of climate change on national security (II).
  • 27-28 June - International Scientific Conference Strategies XXI.
  • 23 March - Workshop: The most important lessons from the conflict in Ukraine.


  • 14 December - Workshop: The impact of climate change on national security (I).
  • 28 October - International Seminar: Consolidated national defence - fundamental operating concept for the Romanian Army 2021-2024.
  • 28-30 June - International Scientific Conference Strategies XXI.
  • 25 March - Workshop: National adjustment of allied multi-domain operations concept. (online)


  • 20 May - International Seminar: Effects of the pandemic on international security. (online)
  • 19 March - Workshop: Adaptation of defence planning documents to security challenges. (online)


  • 28 May - International Seminar: ONU at 75 years and the future of multilateralism. (canceled)
  • 26 March - Workshop: Adaptation of defence planning documents to security challenges. (canceled)


  • 23 May - International Seminar: Regional Cooperation - A Tool for Achieving Security.
  • 21 March - Workshop: Romania2019.EU - Common Interests and Solutions.
  • February, April, June, October, December - CDSSS' public lectures at the National Military Palace.


  • 24 May - International Symposium: Strategic Interests and Objectives in Greater Black Sea Region.
  • 22 March - Workshop in Strategy: Scenarios in Strategic Theory and Practice.
  • June, October, December - CDSSS' public lectures at the National Military Palace.


  • 14 November - Workshop: Satellite as an Enabler for C4ISR.
  • 19 October - Workshop: Military Sciences - Security Sciences - Conceptual Landmarks.
  • 25 May - International Symposium: Interagency Cooperation as a Tool of National and International Security.
  • 23 March - Workshop in Strategy: Interagency Cooperation Towards Security.
  • monhtly - CDSSS' public lectures at the National Military Palace.


  • 06.10.2016 - Workshop: Cross-Border Threats and Political Risk.
  • 26.05.2016 - International Symposium: Major Challenges for the Security of the Euroatlantic Area.
  • 24.03.2016 - Workshop in Strategy: The Correlation Military Geography - Geostrategy - Geopolitics in Security Studies.
  • monhtly - CDSSS' public lectures at the National Military Palace.


  • 08.12.2015 - International Symposium: Atypical Conflicts of the 21st Century.
  • 08.10.2015 - Workshop: Modernisation of the Romanian Armed Forces. Capabilities, Tactics, Strategy.
  • 26.03.2015 - Workshop for Young Strategists: Non-Proliferation and Disarmament.
  • monhtly - CDSSS' public lectures at the National Military Palace.


  • 25.09.2014 - Workshop on Geo-economics: Post-crisis Geo-economic Trends.
  • 29.05.2014 - Workshop for Young Strategists: Romanian Geopolitics and Geostrategy. Tradition and Modernity.
  • 27.03.2014 - International Seminar: 10 years of NATO Membership. Adapting and Contributing to Alliance’s Development.


  • 30.05.2013 - International Seminar: The Impact of European Union Member States' Status and Roles Upon European Security Evolution.


  • 17.05.2012 - International Seminar: National Interests and Community Interests in the European Union.


  • 17-18.11.2011 - Annual International Scientific Session: The Balance of Power and the Security Environment.
  • 17.05.2011 - International Seminar: Crossborder Regional Cooperation, an Instrument for the Enhancement of European Security.
  • 14-15.04.2011 - International Conference Strategies XXI of the National Defence University "Carol I" with the topic The Universe of Military Science (Security and Defence section).


  • 18-19.11.2010 - Annual International Scientific Session: The Impact Of The International Relations' Evolution On The Security Environment.
  • 27.05.2010 - International Seminar: The Spatial Dimension Of The Security Environment.
  • 15-16.04.2010 - International Conference Strategies XXI of the National Defence University "Carol I" with the topic European Security and Defence in the Context of the Economic and Financial Crisis (Security and Defence section).


  • 19-20.11.2009 - Annual International Scientific Session: Security And Defence Perspective In Europe.
  • 27.05.2009 - International Seminar: Strategies For Cooperation In The Black Sea Area.
  • 09-10.04.2009 - Scientific Session Strategies XXI of the National Defence University "Carol I" with the topic: Regional Stability and Security (Security and Defence section).


  • 20-21.11.2008 - Annual International Scientific Session: Policies and Strategies for Managing Conflictuality.
  • 23.05.2008 - International Seminar: Opportunities and Perspectives for the National Defence Industry after Bucharest NATO Summit.
  • 17-18.04.2008 - Scientific Session Strategies XXI of the National Defence University "Carol I" with the topic: Security and Defence in the European Union (Security and Defence section).

  • 22-23.11.2007 - Annual International Scientific Session: The Dynamics of the European Security Environment.
  • 18.10.2007 - International Seminar organized in cooperation with International Committee of the Red Cross / Regional Delegation for Central Europe with the topic: Fostering International Humanitarian Law, the Contribution of Military Scientific Research and Education.
  • 24.05.2007 - International Seminar: ESDP Exigencies on Romania's Security and Defence.
  • 12-13.04.2007 - Scientific Session Strategies XXI of the National Defence University "Carol I" with the topic: The South-Eastern Europe Space in the Context of Globalization (Security and Defence section).


  • 23-24.11.2006 - Annual International Scientific Session: Defence and Security Strategies at the Eastern NATO and EU Border.
  • 13-14.04.2006 - Scientific Session Strategies XXI of the National Defence University "Carol I" with the topic: South-East European Space Security and Defence in the Context of the 3rd Millenium Transformations (Defence and Security section).



  • 25.11.2004 - Annual Scientific Session: Global, Regional Instability Sources. Implications for Romania.

  • 25.08.2004 - Workshop: Military Operations' Physiognomy.

  • 03-04.06.2004 - International Seminar: Romania - Member of the North-Atlantic Alliance.


  • Annual Scientific Session: Romania, NATO and the European Security.

  • International Seminar: The Role of Future NATO Members on Combating the Terrorism.
