
With almost two and a half decades of experience, the Centre for Defence and Security Strategic Studies (CDSSS) has a particular profile within the „Carol I” National Defence University, as a unit specialised in conducting fundamental research in the field of national defence and security.

The CDSSS was established by the Order of the Minister of National Defence of 31.10.2000 with the name of Centre for Strategic Studies of Security. In 2002, it was re-subordinated from the General Staff to the Academy for Advanced Military Studies. The current name of the Centre was adopted in September 2003, when the Academy was renamed „Carol I” National Defence University.

CDSSS aims to meet the strategic challenges of the contemporary security environment through the development, implementation and dissemination of knowledge and scientific research results, active-participative presence in the national and international research area and, not least, being engaged in the education process within the University and providing advice and specific services to institutions and organizations with responsibilities in the field of defence and security.

The mission of CDSSS is underwritten to the broader goal of the University - to become the most important pole of knowledge and scientific expertise in the field of military science, security and defence in Romania, with international recognition -, this is not possible without a tool to trace the guidelines for evolution of the specific components. From this perspective, CDSSS is undoubtedly the cutting edge research in the field, with tradition and recognized prestige both at home and abroad, promoting activities and an impressive portfolio of high quality scientific papers.

• Provide scientifically based expertise for Romanian political-military institutions.
• Provide the theoretical foundation of the functions of the military component within    the overall security and defence framework.
• Investigate changes in the evolution of security and defence environment influencing    Romania's national interests.
• Explore the role of the military in the future operational environment.
• Systematic study of the Romanian society phenomena influencing the military field.
• Develop cooperation with similar military and civilian research institutions, other    governmental and non-governmental structures, both national and international.
• Promote the security and strategic culture within the Romanian society.
• Support the strategic level training and education within the University by integrating    scientific research results in the curricula and teaching process.
