Strategic Colloquium

Strategic Colloquium (Colocviu strategic) is the monthly supplement of Strategic Impact journal, indexed in Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL), Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources (ROAD) and Crossref international databases and disseminated on the Open Journal Systems, ResearchBib and Google Scholar platforms and prestigious universities' libraries.

It publishes on-line, in Romanian, scientific articles, which are the result of analyses and research studies, as well as syntheses of scientific events and conclusions of research projects. Our main contributors are MA and PhD students and other specialists involved in research in the field of defence and security.

After an antiplagiarism analysis, the articles are scientifically evaluated by a panel of researchers and professors, according to the double blind peer review process.

Those interested in publishing in Strategic Colloquium (e-ISSN 1842-8096) may submit proposals for articles at
